Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Butcher of Baghdad is dead. Good riddance. Happy New Year.

He's gone. Good riddance. Happy new year.

Watch this video. Wouldn't you say things have come full circle? One of these guys was executed in disgrace (Saddam), the other force to resign in shame (Donald Rumsfeld).

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Israel's Measured Response?

Did not Israel describe their military actions as "surgical", "precise" and with "pinpoint" focus and accuracy? Well, of course all those "accidents" probably account for the high number of civilian deaths.

Pay attention to the numbers below and be honest, who are the real terrorists here?

Palestinian deaths 'rose in 2006'

Israeli security forces killed 660 Palestinians in 2006 - three times more than in 2005, according to an Israeli human rights group.

B'Tselem, which monitors human rights in the occupied territories, said the figure included 141 children.

At least 322 had taken no part in hostile acts, the group said.

In the same period, the number of deadly Palestinian attacks on Israelis has fallen - 23 Israelis were killed in 2006 compared with 50 last year.
Since June, Israeli troops have killed about 405 Palestinians in Gaza, including 88 children. More than half of the casualties were civilians, B'Tselem said.

As of November, 9,075 Palestinians were being held in Israeli jails. This number included 345 minors, it said.

Of these, 738 (22 minors) were being detained without trial and without knowing the charges against them, the group said. (Source: BBC News, Dec 28/06)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Promise made...promise broken.

The Israeli Government's behaviour indicates that it:
  1. Says one thing and does another
  2. Makes promises it knows it won't keep
  3. Is corrupt to the core.

Wednesday December 27, 2006 1:16 AM
AP Photo ASC101
Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel has approved a new settlement in the West Bank to house former Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, officials said Tuesday, breaking a promise to the U.S. to halt home construction in the Palestinian territories.
Construction in the northern West Bank town of Maskiot began months ago, but the project only received final approval from the Defense Ministry last week, said Dubi Tal, head of the Jordan Valley regional council. (Source: Guardian Unlimited, Dec 27/06)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boycott Chapters and Indigo Bookstores

Listen to this or read the below. Either way do the right thing and don't shop Chapters/Indigo.
On Saturday 23 December a picket was organized by activists in Toronto and Montreal to officially launch a boycott campaign against Chapters and Indigo Bookstores. The campaign demands an end to the financial support offered by the majority owners of Chapters and Indigo to Heseg - the Foundation for Lone Soldiers. This is a program of financial support for former 'lone soldiers' in the Israeli military.

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, came out to the downtown core of Toronto, and held a mass leafleting and information picket to launch this campaign. More than 80 activists held Palestinian flags and placards calling for a boycott of Chapters and Indigo, 3500 leaflets were distributed, organizers also engaged passersby, many of whom changed their minds about shopping at Chapters and Indigo.
Audio Link for the picket:
This report was conducted and produced by Mostafa Henaway of CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal, and CKLN 88.1FM in Toronto

For more information about the campaign and to get involved please visit or email


- Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz, majority owners of Chapters and Indigo bookstores, founded an organisation called Heseg the Foundation for Lone Soldiers. At its peak, it will distribute up to $3M per year to provide scholarships and other support to
former 'Lone Soldiers' in the Israeli military. 'Lone Soldiers' are individuals who have no family in Israel but decide to join the Israeli military. As Israeli soldiers, they participate in a military that operates checkpoints that restrict Palestinian freedom of movement, enforces the occupation of Palestinian land, and has a documented history of human rights violations.

- Many members of the Heseg Board of Directors are high-ranking Israeli military personnel. Board member Lt. Colonel Mike Hartmen joined the IDF as a lone soldier and is now "head of the marksmanship and sharpshooters section of the IDF." Board member Major General (Res.) Doron Almog was Commander of the IDF's Southern Command from 2000-2003. In 2005, a warrant was issued in the UK for his arrest on suspicion of war crimes. Moshe Ronen, Co-Chair of the Canada-Israel Committee, also sits on Heseg's Board of Directors.

- Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz own or control over 68% of the shares in Indigo Books and Music Inc. which owns and operates bookstores under the names Indigo, Chapters, World's Biggest Bookstore, SmithBooks, Coles, The Book Company or Indigospirit. Reisman is chair and CEO of Indigo Books and Music Inc.

- According to HESEG website
(, "Canadian couple Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman established HESEG to express gratitude and provide support to the thousands of Former Lone Soldiers who serve annually in the Israel Defense Forces".

***Demand that the controlling owners of Chapters and Indigo publicly announce that they will cut all financial ties to Heseg the Foundation for Lone Soldiers.***

This campaign is part of an international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against the apartheid state of Israel.


Download an information leaflet (English and French versions available) from to distribute outside your local Chapters or Indigo store.

Tell friends and relatives not to shop at Chapters/Indigo. Encourage them to support independent book retailers!

Write/fax/phone a protest to the board of Indigo/Chapters demanding a public renunciation of
Reisman and Schwartz's financial support of the Heseg Foundation for Lone Soldiers.

Indigo Board of Directors,
500-468 King St W Toronto ON, MSV 1L8
Tel: (416) 364-4499; Fax: (416) 364-0355

Get in touch and join the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid at

The Poincare Conjecture

A proof to the Poincare Conjecture by Grigory Perelman.

Why do all the truly great minds belong to reclusive personalities?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Kingdom of Joy

Beautiful book. A must have...a nicely assembled adaptation from the works of Jalal ad-Din Rumi for children.

Some prayers for first 10 days of Zilhaj

Dua for the first 9 days here.
Aa'maal for first 10 days here.

Other rites/supplications for month of Zilhaj found here and here.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dawhul Ardh: The Spreading of the Earth

Virtues of and recommended acts for this grand day (25th Dhul Qa`dah) found here.

Short discussion by Shaykh Muhammad Shomali here.

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A