Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Raising a Godly Child

Nice sermon on "Raising a Godly Child" delivered on the grand occasion of the birth anniversary of Lady Zainab (A.S.)

"Raising a Godly Child: Part 2" with accompanying slides delivered on the anniversary of martyrdom of Lady Zainab (A.S.) - Rajab 1429/July 2008.

Both sermons by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Noble capital projects

Here is a list of some noble current capital projects which you can take the opportunity to participate in completing:

  1. Jaffari Community Centre
  2. Al Mahdi Islamic Community Centre
  3. Shia Centre for Kitchener-Waterloo
  4. Shia Centre for Kirkland, Washington

4th Annual As-Sadiq School Charity Walk

Come out and join As-Sadiq School for its 4th Annual Charity Walk on Sunday, June 15th at 3 p.m. More information can be found here.

This year like last, all funds will be donated to the Jaffari Community Centre (JCC) project.

Read message from Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi regarding the Charity Walk and the JCC project.

Download pledge forms here.

To add to the fun, this year as part of the walk their will also be a boat ride to get to Centre Island.

Come on out for a great walk, fun, food, games, prizes, and support As-Sadiq School and the Jaffari Community Centre.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Classes - A Study of “The Charter of Rights” (Risalatu ’l-Huquq) of Imam Zaynul ‘Abidin (A.S.)

Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi's weekly classes for Spring 2008 is on the theme of A Study of “The Charter of Rights” (Risalatu ’l-Huquq) of Imam Zaynul ‘Abidin (A.S.).

In these 9 hourly sessions, you will become familiar with the famous Risalatu ’l-Huquq (The Charter of Rights) on your various moral & ethical mutual rights vis-à-vis God, yourselves and fellow human beings with commentary focused on traditions and examples of the Prophet of Islam and the Imams of Ahlul Bayt.

Selected readings and accompanying questions and recorded discussion for each session found below:

Week 1: Materials Watch
Week 2: Materials Watch
Week 3: Materials Watch
Week 4: Materials Watch
Week 5: Materials Watch
Week 6: Materials Watch
Week 7: Materials Watch
Week 8: Materials Watch

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Appropriate and timely sermon for Mother's Day by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi on May 9/08.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sometimes the truth has a funny way of slipping out

Even liars some times slip and reveal clear truths. Bush's War in Iraq was, is, and always will have been for oil.
"My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East." -- John McCain, 2008 Republican Nominee
(Source: AP News, May 2/08)

Every Clean Soul On This Planet Will Shout Your Name

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A