Thursday, January 08, 2009


Unimaginable. Excerpts:

...One medical team found 12 bodies in a shelled house, and alongside them four very young children, too weak to stand, waiting by their dead mothers, the ICRC said.
Aid workers had been denied access to the site for days, it added.
"This is a shocking incident," Pierre Wettach, ICRC head for Israel and the Palestinian territories said in a statement.
"The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded. Neither did they make it possible for us or the Palestinian Red Crescent to assist the wounded..." (Source: BBC News, Jan 8/09)
Despicable. Excerpts:

"The UN's main aid agency has suspended its operations in Gaza because its staff have been hit by Israeli attacks..." (Source: BBC News, Jan 8/09)

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A