'One of the most important etiquette and instruction is the recital of Surah al-Qadr (Power)
before taking saheri and iftar as well as recital of illustrious and illuminated supplication:'
Allahuma rabb al-nur al-'adheem
Allah is the possessor of great illumination
Supplication at time of breaking the fast:
Allaahumma laka sumtu wa 'alaa riz-qika aftartu wa 'alayka tawakkaltu
O Allah: For the sake of You have I fasted;
And with Your sustenance have I broken my fast;
And in You have I trusted (relied).
Bismillah allaahumma laka sumnaa wa 'alaa riz-qika aftarnaa fa-taqabbal minnaa innaka antas samee-ul 'aleem
In the name of Allah, O Allah, we fast, and with the food Thou gives us we
break the fast, an obligation we fulfill, and Thou are Hearer, Knower
Bismillahir rah'maanir rah'eem yaa waasi-al maghfira igfir lee
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, O He whose indulgence is boundless, forgive me
Source: Biharul Anwar, Volume 51, Page 147; al-Ghaybah of al-Num'mani