Thursday, December 24, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Discussion on Wilayah with Sheikh Shomali

Discussion on Wilayah during Muharram 1431 (Dec 20-Dec 21/09) with Sheikh Mohammed Ali Shomali at the Jaffari Community Centre, Thornhill, Canada. Topics covered:
  1. The Collective Nature of Wilayah
  2. A probe into Social Aspects of Wilayay
  3. Challenges we face while awaiting Wilayah
"Contrary to what most people believe, wilāyah is not just the relationship between each individual believer and the Prophet and Imams, rather it is the relationship between the community of believers as a whole and the Prophet and Imams and also the relationship amongst the believers themselves" (Dr. Shomali)
Day 1 Lecture
Day 2 Lecture

Also on the same topic. Delivered in Stockholm during Fatimiyyah 1431

Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein - The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chief of Martyrs: Hussayn-bin-Ali

Photo taken by Cltn (from a Mosque in Sao Paulo, Brazil - which of course confirms the fact that the whole world is in love with Hussayn)

Voices of Passion

Beautiful elegies in English regarding the events of Karbala in this latest offering: In Sorrow available from Voices of Passion.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Israeli Recipe

Here is the Israeli recipe:
  1. Remove the right to construct anything on their own land (Source: BBC News, Nov 20/09)
  2. Take away the land and homes of the Palestinians at an ever alarming pace (Source: BBC News, Dec 9/09, Toronto Star, Jan 10/10)
  3. Burn their places of worship and desecrate their cemeteries if they dare request a halt to more land grabbing and home destruction (Source: BBC News, Dec 11/09, BBC News, Jan 21/10)
  4. Remove any trace of previous residency (Source: BBC News, Dec 2/09)
  5. Build more settlements and dispute claims made by the previous owners who are really just a bunch of crazed anti-Semitic terrorists (Source: BBC News, Nov 19/09, BBC News, Dec 13/09, BBC News, Dec 28/09, BBC News, Jan 5/10)
  6. Separate and divide Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and strangle (starve) each partition into submission - genocide (Source: BBC News, Dec 22/09, BBC News, Jan 11/10)
  • Repeat as required until fully cleansed of Palestinians.
  • Note: Order of above steps not terribly important as long as the everyone understands the long-term goal.

American Jews for a Just Peace: The Key is Justice

Check out the excellent work of this group over here.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Gaza Freedom March in Toronto: Dec 27/09

Show solidarity for this global event. Details for the march in Toronto, Canada here.

*Please Post Widely*

ONE YEAR SINCE GAZA - Rally Outside Israeli Consulate
Sunday December 27th

In conjunction with the Gaza Freedom March, community and activist
organizations in Toronto will be holding a rally to mark the one-year
anniversary of the Israeli invasion and military assault on the Gaza Strip that
left more than 1,400 dead.

On December 27th, gather outside the Israeli consulate (180 Bloor St) at
1:00 pm to voice your solidarity with the Palestinian people and to demand an
end to Israel's siege of the Gaza strip

The Gaza Freedom March that will take place in Gaza on 31 December is an
historic initiative to break the siege that has imprisoned the 1.5 million
people who live there. The march will gather people from all over the world to
march -- hand in hand -- with the people of Gaza to demand that Israel open the

Initial list of Sponsors

Gaza Freedom March ( Toronto )
Palestine House Educational and Cultural Center
Canadian Arab Federation (CAF)
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Educators for Peace and Justice
Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA-York)

To endorse this action in Toronto and/or for more information please email

see statement of context for Gaza Freedom March at

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A