Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prayer for the morning from Prophet Jesus

The following is a prayer reportedly taught to us by Prophet Jesus for recitation in the morning.

It is found in the book Ethos of Prophets from Adam to Khaatam by Taaj Langroodi and translated into English by Ali Akbar Aghili Ashtiani:

O Allah! Morning has come while I can not afford to repel what is blameworthy and benefit from what I am hopeful of
Morning has come while the affair in is someone else's hand.
Morning has come while i am dependent on my acts.
Therefore there is no one as poor as I am.
O Allah! Do not expose me to the enemies' blame nor let my friends treat me unkindly
Do not set my suffering in my religion nor make anyone who has no mercy on me dominant over me.

The Brave hearts of Fredericton

Wow. The coldest day of the year so far didn't deter these brave hearts in Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada from calling for justice and decrying the Israeli crimes against humanity towards the Palestinians.

Israeli Apartheid Week 2010: March 1-5

Packed agenda for the events planned Toronto. Details here. Main page over here.

Current list of groups endorsing the Israeli Apartheid Week events in Toronto:

Endorsers of Israeli Apartheid Week 2010 so far:

Canadian Arab Federation
Palestine Community Centre
Not In Our Name: Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Independent Jewish Voices
Educators for Peace and Justice
Socialist Action
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid
Labour For Palestine
Faculty For Palestine
No One Is Illegal
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice
Salaam, Queer Muslim Communities
CUPE Local 3907
Equity Studies Students' Union
The Centre for Women and Trans People at UofT
Barrio Nuevo
Young Communist League
Resistance Art
Ontario Public Interest Research Group - UofT
Venezuela We Are With You Coalition (CVEC)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Who do you think is telling the truth here, Netanyahu or Peled? Talk about a trick question. Well of course they're both liars, but, even liars can let the truth slip out occasionally.

Unyielding strangulation

Why stop at cruelly strangling the Palestinian people when you can also strangle those who come to their rescue and those who come to tell their story of their suffering.

Never say Never

Never sure is a long time. Doesn't this mean they've never been committed to a peaceful co-existence with the Palestinians? If they'll never return usurped lands doesn't that mean they've never really been telling the rest of the world the truth? Will the International Community never respond? Never mind.

About time

Well, at least no one can accuse the Iraqi Justice System of not taking its time or of cutting corners in following due process. This was long overdue.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Canadians rallying against Harper's Prorogation of Parliament

Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast take to the streets to take back their democracy.

Pay attention Harper.

Seven Jewish Children - Caryl Churchill

Caryl Churchill's script of Seven Jewish Children available here for schools, theaters wishing to perform their own production.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Remembering Husayn-bin-Ali in Moshi

Once again proving the point that the whole world is in love with Hussayn son of Ali, Tanzanians in Moshi participating in a procession remembering the greatest of sacrifices for mankind.

The Moon of the Hashemites: The Great Hazrat Abbas (A.S.)

The Flag of Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) from Karbala mounted on the minaret of the Jaffari Community Centre in Thornhill, Ontario (picture taken on Jan 2010)

The Flag of Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) from Karbala mounted on the minaret of the Jaffari Community Centre in Thornhill, Ontario (picture taken on Jan 2010)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Help Haiti

A reminder in this Friday's Sermon (1/15/2010) from respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi to help Haitians coping with the devastation of a massive earthquake.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Philosophy of Azadari

A nice article titled: The Philosophy of Azadari by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi in the 2nd issue of Iqra Online

Open letter to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in the U.S from the Counil of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America

An open letter by The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America to the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Washington D.C. and the Kingdom’s permanent representative at the United Nations in New York.

This open letter dated 23 Muharram, 1431, is in regards to recent smears by Shaykh Al-Ureifi about the Shia Muslims, the Followers of Ahl-ul-Bayt the Prophet, and against the Supreme Religious Authority of the Muslims, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini al-Sistani (may God prolong his life), during Friday’s speech on the 15th of Muharram, and the despicable caricature in al-Watan Newspaper in the issue published on Monday the 22nd of Muharram.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Distasteful arrogance

What can you say when even the right-leaning publication "The Economist" slams Stephen Harper here and here for his imperialistic machinations.

Over 100+ Professors & notable academics across the country have signed this open letter to the Prime Minister to condemn the decision to prorogue Parliament

Is Harper trying to hide from the bone-chilling revelations made by Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin? Or is he trying to avoid the condemnation of this growing list of distinguished former ambassadors that are signatories to this letter?

Embedded below is part of the gutsy testimony from Colvin.

Voice of Al-Husayn presents United in Humanity

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Canadian MPs report back from the West Bank and Gaza

*Please Post Widely*

From Palestine to Parliament Hill
Canadian MPs report back from the West Bank and Gaza

Thursday, 21 January 2010
19:30 - 21:30
Oakham House, Ryerson University
63 Gould Street
Toronto, ON

Three Canadian MPs joined a Canadian-led delegation to the West Bank and Gaza
from August 7 to 14, 2009 to document the living conditions of Palestinians,
and to witness the devastation of Israel's war on Gaza.

Please join us to hear them report their findings, and to discuss strategies
for peace in the region.


Libby Davies: Member of Parliament for Vancouver East (New Democratic Party)

Richard Nadeau: Member of Parliament for Gatineau (Bloc Québécois)

Borys Wrzesnewskyj: Member of Parliament for Etobicoke Centre (Liberal Party)

Discussion will follow the MPs' presentations. All are welcome to participate.

Organized by:
Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy:
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War:

Media sponsor: | News for the rest of us:

Endorsed by:
Canadian Arab Federation:
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid:
Independent Jewish Voices:
Not In Our Name:
Palestine House:
Ryerson Students' Union:

To read the MPs' report, please visit:

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A