Friday, June 25, 2010

Birth Anniversary of 9th Imam - Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) - 10th Rajab

Kadhimayn Mosque - Shrine of the 7th and 9th S...Image via WikipediaNice sermons on the birth anniversary of our 9th Imam, Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:

May 31/2012 - 1433
June 12/2011 - 1432
June 23/2010 - 1431

More about the blessed Imam at

Anniversary of the martrydom of 10th Imam - Imam Ali Naqi (A.S.) - 3rd Rajab

Sermons on the anniversary of the martyrdom of 10th Imam - Imam Ali Naqi (A.S.) by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:

February 4/2022 - 1443


3rd of Rajab – the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali Naqi al-Hadi (A.S.) - the 10th Holy Imam.  His martyrdom was in the year 254 A.H.  (According to another source, his martyrdom was on 26 Jamadi-us-Thani)

Presentations about Imam Ali Naqi (A.S.)
Ziarat-e-Jamea Kabeer:
Ziarat-e-Jamea Sagheer:
How well do you know about:
Online Books: 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Truth on the International Humanitarian Flotilla to Gaza

Discussion on the facts and truth on the humanitarian mission to Gaza by the International crew aboard the flotilla by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi during Friday Sermon (June 4/2010).

Discussion/classes on Ghaibat and Zahoor of Imam (A.S.)

A discussion on Ghaibat, Zahoor, and Signs of the 12th Imam (A.S.) by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Selected readings and accompanying questions and recorded discussion for each session found below:

Week 1: Slides, Lecture
Week 2: Slides, Lecture
Week 3: Slides, Lecture
Week 4: Slides, Lecture
Week 5: Slides, Lecture
Week 6: Slides, Lecture
Week 7: Slides, Lecture

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birth Anniversary of 5th Imam - Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) - 1st Rajab

Nice sermons on the birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:

May 12/2013 - 1434
May 23/2012 - 1433
June 03/2011 - 1432
June 14/2010 - 1431

Details about the holy Imam > A.Q.R. 1437


1st of Rajab - birth anniversary of the 5th Holy Imam, Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.) in the year 57 A.H.

Please recite Ziarat of Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.) as well as Ziarat-e-Jamea and offer nazrana on this occasion to renew your allegiance to Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) and his Ahl-e-Bait (A.S.).

You may call it a coincidence or a special arrangement from Allah (S.W.T.) that Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) is the fifth Holy Imam and the seventh Masoom (infallible) and his year of birth was 57 A.H. and his age was 57 years as well. Also he is the first Imam whose name was Muhammad (A.S.) - the same as that of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).

Presentations about Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.):
  • Profile:
  • Ziarat: 
  • Ziarat-e-Jamea: 
  • How well do you know Imam:
Online books:

Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.) gave some very informative answers to some of the most difficult questions to his disciples and others.  Some of them are reproduced here:

Question: Which was the Roza (fasting) in which eating and drinking was permitted?
Answer: The Roza (fast) that Hazrat Mariam (A.S.) observed in which she abandoned talking only.

Question: What decreases and never increases with time?
Answer: Age

Question: What increases and never decreases?
Answer: Water of the ocean.

Question: What was raised in the sky only once?
Answer: The mountain of Toor which was raised above Bani-Israel only once and then put down.

Question: Who are the people whose true testimony was declared a lie?
Answer: These are the munafiqeen (hypocrites) whose testimony that “Prophet is the messenger of God” was not accepted and they were declared liers by Allah (S.W.T).

Question: When was one third of the mankind killed?
Answer: Never – however one fourth of mankind was killed when Qabeel murdered Habeel. At that time, the whole mankind consisted of 4 persons only.

Question: You Muslims believe that the food and drinks of Jannah will not cause necessity to urinate and pass stool. Is there any example of this in this world?
Answer: Yes there is. The child inside the womb of the mother gets fed without the necesity to urinate or pass stool.

Question: Who are the two people who were born at the same time and died at the same time but one was 50 years and the other was 150 years old at the time of death?
Answer: These were Prophet brothers Uzair (A.S.) and Aziz (A.S.).  Allah (S.W.T.) gave temporary death to Hazrat Uzair (A.S.) for 100 years and when he got back life, he died again at the same time as did Aziz
so the difference in their ages was 100 years.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Raising the bar on terror and cruelty

One nation seems better than most at raising the bar on terror and cruelty.

Acts of State sponsored Collective Punishment and acts in flagrant defiance of International Law all in the last month:

ICRC says Israel's Gaza blockade breaks law (Source BBC News, June 14/2010)
Israeli wanted over Dubai killing 'held in Poland (Source BBC News, June 12/2010)
Israel's Peres denies South Africa nuclear weapons deal (Source BBC News, May 24/2010)
Australia expels Israeli diplomat over Dubai killing (Source BBC News, May 24/2010)
Israel denies US academic Chomsky West Bank entry (Source BBC News, May 16/2010)
Boy killed in West Bank - Palestinians blame settlers (Source BBC News, May 14/2010)
Human Rights Watch say destruction in Gaza 'unlawful' (Source BBC News, May 13/2010)

Allegiance to Imam Hussein (AS)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can Aid Africa

To assist in some worthy projects in need of your support, visit Can Aid Africa's site for more information.

2007 Democracy Now interview with Jimmy Carter

2007 Democracy Now interview with Jimmy Carter by Amy Goodman.  Truth telling about Apartheid Israel Or click here .