Saturday, November 19, 2011

Discussion/classes on Ijtihad, Taqlid & Marji'yyat by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

A discussion on Ijtihad, Taqlid & Marji'yyat by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Handouts and recorded discussions for each session found below:

Week 01 - 10/05/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 02 - 10/12/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 03 - 10/19/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 04 - 10/26/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 05 - 11/02/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 06 - 11/09/2011: Slides, Lecture
Week 07 - 11/16/2011: Slides, Lecture

Martrydom of Sons of Muslim-ibn-Aqil - 22nd Zilhajj

Sermons on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of the sons of Hazrat Muslim-ibn-Aqil by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:

Saturday, November 05, 2011

7th of Zilhajj: Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.)

Sermons on the anniversary of the martyrdom of our 5th holy Imam, Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:

October 12, 2013 - 1434
October 23, 2012 - 1433  - Extraordinary life of the Imam
November 4, 2011 - 1432 (Part of Friday Juma Sermon)

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A