Sunday, January 22, 2012

2011 Roundup: Israeli Provocations & Crimes against humanity

Israel - Occupier and Mass Murderer
Image by humbleslave via Flickr
New Yorkers protest Gaza blockade (Press TV, Jan 10/11)
Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay (The New York Time, Jan 15/11)
Israeli settlements: 14 East Jerusalem homes approved (BBC News, Mar 2/11)
Israel approves new Jewish settler homes in West Bank (BBC News, BBC News, Mar 13/11)
Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements (The Globe and Mail, Mar 29/11)
Israel approves 942 Jewish homes in Gilo settlement (BBC News, April 5/11)
Jerusalem Housing Gets Nod (Wall Street Journal, May 20/11)
Btselem raps Israel for jailing Palestinian children (BBC News, July 18/11)
Israel troops board Gaza protest boat Dignite-al Karama (BBC News, July 19/11)
Israel approves 900 East Jerusalem settlement homes (BBC News, Aug 4/11)
Israel approves 1,600 settler homes in East Jerusalem (BBC News, Aug 11/11)
Israel approves homes in West Bank's Ariel settlement (BBC News, Aug 16/11)
Fire and graffiti attack on Palestinian mosque in Kasra (BBC News, Sept 5/11)
Vandals torch second Palestinian mosque (CBS News, Dec 15/11)
Palestinian hit in face by tear gas canister dies (AP News, Dec 10/11)

Conservatives getting too used to misleading Canadians

Stop Harper (Image courtesy of QUOI Media)

We have to work now to stop Harper's Conservative in 2015.

Parliament was misled over G8 costs: Auditor General - Source: The Toronto Star, 6/9/11

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Walk from Najaf to Karbala

Walking from Najaf to Karbala?  Some resources:
  1. Resources from here.
  2. Recommendations to the Visitors of Imam Hussain (p) During Arbaeen, 1445 A.H.
  3. Preparation seminar by Zakir Shams Dharsi
  4. The Spiritual Walk - documentary by the World Federation
  5. At Your Service - documentary series by Ahlulbayt TV
  7. twitter handle for pictures and updates #arbaeenwalk

Local Arbaeen Walks

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Metaphor of Life (and its distractions)

A nice story of the man in the well as a metaphor of life and its distractions.

It is an excerpt from the majalis of the 10th Night of Muharram by Sheikh Abbas Virjee 1431 (Dec 26, 2009)

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A