Friday, November 30, 2012

Famous Urdu elegies of Imam Hussain (A.S.) with English translations

Famous Urdu elegies of Imam Hussain (A.S.) with English translations over here.

Imtehaan-e-Hussain - with English subtitles

Imtehaan-e-Hussain - with English subtitles
A poet imagines the conversation between God and the Angel of Death at the time of Imam Hussain's death.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Muharram / Safar resources

A banner (alam) being carried in a procession ...
A banner (alam) being carried in a procession during the Remembrance of Muharram in Bahrain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some useful resources for Muharram / Safar from

  1. The months of Muharram & Safar
  2. Let us learn about the months of Muharram & Safar
  3. The Karbala
  4. Ya Husayn - Marthiyas & Nawhas in English
  5. 'Amal for the day of 'Ashura & Ziyara 'Arba'een
  6. Short commentary on Ziyarat Ashura
Excellent resources from Ali School, specifically for introducing the story of Imam Husayn (A.S.) to children:
  1. Karbala: Introduction for Small Children - 4 year old
  2. Karbala: Introduction for Children - 7-10 year old
Spiritual dimensions of Mourning for Imam Husayn (A.S) by Dr. Mohamed Shomali
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Monday, November 19, 2012

5 steps to support Gaza and stop the killing

from the Canadian Peace Alliance:

'We stand with Gaza!'
Stop the killing. End the blockade. Free Palestine.

Pan-Canadian weekend of action: November 23, 24, 25 

Israel's bombing of Gaza is now turning into a full-scale war, with increasing air strikes and the renewed threat of a ground invasion. Stephen Harper and the Canadian government have given full backing to Israel's most recent attacks, just as they did for the last war on Gaza and Israel's war on Lebanon. Canada has also fully supported Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza, which has restricted food, medicine, and other necessities of life from entering Gaza since 2007. The renewed attacks are making an already dire situation worse. 

Canada's position is a violation of international law and numerous United Nations conventions. With none of the main political parties clearly denouncing Israel's aggression, there is even more urgency for the social movements to stand in solidarity with Gaza. 

In response, the Canadian Peace Alliance is calling for a pan-Canadian weekend of action and solidarity for Gaza to demand that Stephen Harper and the Canadian government immediately end its support for Israel's war. We are also calling on all opposition parties in Parliament to back the same demand: oppose Israel's war on Gaza. 

Please join us and anti-war and Palestine solidarity allies on November 23, 24, or 25 for local solidarity actions across the country. Let us know what you have planned: email event details to

Five steps to support Gaza:

1) Join a solidarity action in your community. If there isn't one, organize one. Distribute information leaflets at a busy intersection; hold a picket in front of your MP's office; host a film screening or discussion group about the situation in Gaza; or organize a demonstration. Every action helps. For tips on what to organize, email For event listings please click here. 

2) Email your MP. You don't have to send a long message. Just explain why you oppose the war in Gaza and why your MP should oppose it, too. You can find your MP's contact details here. 

3) Write letters to the editor. Respond to any news articles about the war on Gaza, explaining why you oppose the war. Use the background information below. Remember, every letter makes a difference, even if it doesn't get published. 

4) Make a donation to the Canadian Peace Alliance. We need to build a strong and united anti-war network right across the country, and we need your support to do so. Mail cheques or money orders to CPA, 427 Bloor St W, Box 13, Toronto ON M5S 1X7. Or donate online here. 

5) Forward this email to everyone you know. Ask them to forward it along to their friends, too. Help us spread the word about how you can stand in solidarity with Gaza, and connect to a pan-Canadian anti-war network. 

Organized by the Canadian Peace Alliance | | 416-588-5555

Stopthewar mailing list

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Solidarity with Gaza - Emergency Demonstration on 11/15/12 @ 6PM

Solidarity with Gaza - Emergency Demonstration
By Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)

When: Thursday - November 15, 2012 - 6:00pm    
Where: Israeli Consulate - 180 Bloor Street (east of St. George TTC)

Israel has renewed and intensified its latest attacks on Gaza, and is declaring war with its latest "Operation Pillar of Defence".

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) will be holding an emergency demonstration in solidarity with Gaza this Thursday, Nov 15th in front of the Israeli Consulate. Look for the Palestinian flags. Bring friends, family, allies and your banners and voices!

Please spread the word far and wide!

Demonstration endorsed by:     Palestine House, Canadian Arab Federation, Canadian Peace Alliance.

    * To add your organization to the list of endorsers, please send an email to or leave a message on the event page wall. 

Stopthewar mailing list

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A