Saturday, August 29, 2015

Harper's UnCampaign

To run an un-open, un-campaign, do the the following:

  1. screen attendees and demand them to sign waivers to attend your rally during an election > Harper’s campaign events to be by invitation only
  2. instruct your Party's candidates NOT to attend All-Party Debates or speak to the media > Tory candidates told to avoid debates, media during campaign
  3. take advantage of Scouts in uniform for photo-ops because everyone else was screened out (see #1) > Scouts Canada says B.C. event with Harper broke non-partisan policy
  4. Search far and wide for a handful of veterans willing to be in your commercial, even though $1 billion in funds earmarked for veterans affairs went unspent > Tories looking for vets to sing Stephen Harper's praises in campaign ads
  5. Ensure to fill campaign events with paid ex-vets to 'handle' anyone not properly screened (see #1) > Conservatives bring in ex-soldiers for extra security on Harper's campaign

More on Harper's UnCampaign >


Friday, August 21, 2015

Duffy Trial - End the culture of cover-ups at the PMO and #stopharper on Oct 17/15

Its clear from the #duffy trial, that the PMO's focus is not on advancing what is important to Canadians its about nothing, but cover-ups, lies, and deception to protect the Conservative brand.

Harper is guilty of using his appointed Senators to as bag men to do party work.  That is what #Duffy did.  Harper instructed his staff in the PMO that #duffy 's eligibility in the Senate was not in question.  Harper should be on trial.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

NDP Ad: Enough - time to #stopharper

Not an endorsement for the NDP, but, rather an endorsement of the content of its and Oct 17/15, vote ABC (Anybody but Conservative)...

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A