Sunday, August 20, 2006

Not only do they break International Law, they break their own laws as well

The bulk of the Israeli Cabinet is embroiled in scandals. High ranking members of the Israeli Leadership face charges ranging from sexual harrassment, to insider trading, to offering politcal favours, etc. How can we expect them to treat the Palestinans and Lebanese with justice when they can't do justice in representing their own people?

This week also saw the resurfacing of four scandals involving Olmert, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, Kadima lawmaker Tzachi Hanegbi and Justice Minister Haim Ramon.

Hanegbi, who chairs the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, was charged on Monday with illegally securing positions for Likud Central Committee members and their family and friends while head of the Environment Ministry. It seems to be only a matter of time before he is forced to resign from the Knesset.

Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz officially charged Ramon with sexual harassment on Thursday. The indictment stems from an incident last month in which he allegedly forcibly kissed a government worker.

IDF commander Dan Halutz has admitted directing his bank to sell his NIS120,000 (US$27,000) stock portfolio hours after hearing of the abduction of two Israeli soldiers on 12 July that sparked the Lebanese conflict. He has refused to resign despite widespread calls for his ouster and increasing criticism of his leadership of the military campaign.

The state ombudsman is also reportedly preparing to summon Olmert and his wife for questioning over allegations that while he was mayor of Jerusalem, they received a discount on an apartment purchase equivalent to half a million US dollars. The deal was in return for helping the company that refurbished the unit to obtain municipal building permits. (Source:

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