Sunday, August 27, 2006

US probes Israel cluster bomb use

C'mon, does anyone believe the U.S. will chastise Israel in what's clearly a violation of International Law? Even if Israel broke its promise to the U.S. to go easy on civilians in its use of cluster bombs, U.S. election politics will make it impossible to condemn Israel, and it will instead find some way to creatively congratulate them.

US-made weapons have been found at many of 300 sites in south Lebanon hit by cluster bombs, according to the UN.
Washington has supplied Israel with cluster bombs since the 1970s, on the understanding that they would only be used against defined military targets.
The UN's Mine Action Coordination Centre says it has found 318 sites in south Lebanon where cluster bombs have been used.

"A lot of them are in civilian areas, on farmland and in people's homes, said spokeswoman Dalya Farran.

"We're finding a lot at the entrances to houses, on balconies and roofs," she said.

"Sometimes windows are broken and they get inside the houses."

"Most of them are from America," Ms Farran said.
According to the UN, eight Lebanese have been killed and at least 30 wounded by exploding ordnance left behind after the 14 August ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah came into force.

Although cluster bombs themselves are not illegal under international law, many human rights groups believe their use in populated areas violates the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks contained in the Geneva Conventions.
A congressional investigation after Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982 found Israel guilty of intentionally dropping cluster bombs in civilian areas.

A six year ban was imposed on further sales of the weapons to Israel.
But a senior White House official told the BBC that the current investigation is unlikely to lead to any serious repercussions. (Source: BBC, Aug 25/06)

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