Thursday, August 31, 2006

What the rest of us have known all along

Do any of these conclusions or findings truly shock anyone?

Israel has been accused of "shocking" and "completely immoral" behaviour by the UN's humanitarian chief because it dropped cluster bombs on Lebanon when a ceasefire with Hezbollah was in sight.
"What's shocking and I would say, to me, completely immoral, is that 90 per cent of the cluster bomb strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict, when we knew there would be a resolution," Mr Egeland told the news conference.
Civilians returning to their homes in southern Lebanon are experiencing "massive problems," as a result of these unexploded munitions, Mr Egeland said.

"We're finding strikes that are in people's houses, in the middle of the street, around hospitals," said Chris Clark, program manager of the UN Mine Action Co-ordination Center in southern Lebanon. Approximately 250,000 Lebanese of the one million displaced cannot move back into their homes, many because of unexploded munitions.

"Every day people are maimed, wounded and are killed by these ordnance," Mr Egeland declared.

UN and human rights organisations said yesterday that 13 people, including three children, had been killed between the August 14 cease-fire and Tuesday, and 46 people have been wounded. (Source: Times Online, Aug 31/06)

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