Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sister says it best in response to Pope's comments on the Holy Prophet


Sept. 13.For a religious leader giving a very public speech about the subject, Pope Benedict XVI does not appear to know much about the Islamic concept of jihad, a word meaning to struggle to uphold justice but pathetically translated as "holy war."
Did Prophet Muhammad indeed order his followers to spread Islam by the sword? No, he did not. The Qur'an clearly says there is no compulsion in religion. The rules of physical jihad in the case of war could not be clearer: The primary sources of Islam forbid in the strongest terms the killing of non-combatants and the destruction of crops and places of worship.The Pope is certainly free to disagree with Islam, but perpetuating misinformation is irresponsible and dishonest.
Sumayyah Hussein, Toronto

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