Saturday, March 24, 2007

John Bolton: Honest Broker for the U.S.?

Can anyone really ever consider the U.S. to be a honest broker in the Middle East conflict?

By their own former Ambassador to U.N.'s admission they blocked a ceasefire to allow Israel to continue to use disproportionate force against the people of Lebanon in contradiction of all International Humanitarian laws.

They allowed Israel to use phosphorous laced bombs to burn civilians and cluster bombs which are still exacting a toll on the populace.

Bolton's admission is not surprising. The fact he's proud of stalling a ceasefire unfortunately isn't either.

Finally, why is it politicians only tell the truth after leaving their posts?

Bolton admits Lebanon truce block

A former top American diplomat says the US deliberately resisted calls for a immediate ceasefire during the conflict in Lebanon in the summer of 2006.

Former ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the BBC that before any ceasefire Washington wanted Israel to eliminate Hezbollah's military capability.
Mr Bolton, a controversial and blunt-speaking figure, said he was "damned proud of what we did" to prevent an early ceasefire. (Source: BBC News, March 22/07)

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