Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tanya Reinhart: 1944-2007

Academic, linguistic, and a champion for social justice: Tanya Reinhardt.

Very nice tribute by none other than Noam Chomsky found here.

Another nice piece here.


Tanya Reinhart

A versatile Israeli academic, she spoke out against the conflict with Palestine

Victoria Brittain
Wednesday March 21, 2007
The Guardian

The distinguished Israeli professor of linguistics Tanya Reinhart, who has died suddenly aged 63, was even better known for her prolific writing on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, her searing criticism of her own country, and her role as an activist, including her support for an academic boycott of Israel. She was a woman of immense bravery, and believed that fierce criticism of Israel "is the best act of solidarity and compassion with the Jews that one can have".
She came to see parallels with apartheid South Africa, writing in 2003: "What Israel is doing under Ariel Sharon far exceeds the crimes of the South Africa's white regime. It has been taking the form of systematic ethnic cleansing, which South Africa never attempted.
" It was the analogy between Israel and South Africa's apartheid that she used in justifying the academic boycott movement of recent years.
Reinhart was an optimist however, and last October wrote that "persistent struggle can have an effect, and can lead governments to act. Such struggle begins with the Palestinian people, who have withstood years of brutal oppression, and who, through their spirit of zumud - sticking to their land - and daily endurance, organising and resistance, have managed to keep the Palestinian cause alive, something that not all oppressed nations have managed to do." (Source: Guardian Unlimited, March 21, 2007)

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