Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hindu sect claims allegiance to Imam Hussain

Hussain son of Ali belongs to all of humanity not just the Shia.

Imam Hussain's message and struggle was for all of humanity and not just for his followers or even for Muslims alone. The love of Imam Hussain is so great, that everyone wants to associate with him and bring him into their hearts and minds.

Not so surprising that mankind from all walks, religions, backgrounds, races, etc love Imam Hussain since we know that even the birds, skies, the earth, legions of angels, etc love and honour Imam Hussain.

Check this out (thanks Mohamed for forwarding this along):

Hindus participate in Muharram

They also carried a banner proclaiming their sentiments towards the Imam and his martyrdom. "Our ancestors also fought in support of Imam Hussain and sacrificed their lives in Karbala and we are equally pained at the historical martyrdom," said Bhumihar Brahmin Mahasabha convenor Arun Kumar Sharma.

References in several books and records confirm that some Hindus did join Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad, when he was through a bloody battle against Yezid at Karbala (in Iraq) on October 10, 680 AD.
(Source: The Times of India, Jan 21/08)

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