Friday, April 25, 2008

Out Bushing Bush

Have we heard any International outcry and condemnation for this direct quote???

Hillary Clinton's reply to the question of how she would respond if Iran launched a nuclear attack on Israel – "…if I'm the president, we will attack Iran…we would be able to totally obliterate them" – (your report, 23 April)


On Election Day, even with polls showing her well ahead in Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton went lower in her grab for votes. Seizing upon a question of how she would respond to a nuclear attack by Iran, which doesn't have nuclear weapons, on Israel, which does, Clinton mocked reasoned discourse by promising to "totally obliterate them," in an apparent reference to the population of Iran. That is not a word gaffe — it is an assertion of the right of our nation to commit genocide on an unprecedented scale.

As the potential leader of a nation that used nuclear bombs to obliterate hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese, shouldn't any potential American leader employ extreme caution in making such a threat? (Source: Yahoo News, April 24/08)

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