Saturday, September 20, 2008

Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Israeli war crimes and more land grabbing

Story on Archbishop Desmond Tutu's scathing report on Israels war crimes in Gaza in 2006.

In his report the Archbishop says:

"I think the West, quite rightly, is feeling contrite, penitent for its awful connivance with the Holocaust," Archbishop Tutu said.

"The West is penitent, the penance is being paid by the Palestinians."

(Source: BBC News, Sept 18, 2008)

This story discusses, yet more land grabbing by the Israelis, some excerpts:

B'Tselem calculates that the annexation of the land has more than doubled the size of the settlements, with Palestinians, who still own the land, denied access.
It says that the unofficial closing off of land to Palestinians, around these settlements, has been going on for 30 years.

But what has been happening more recently is the Israeli military formalising the expansion of these settlements through what are called "special security areas".

The group has calculated that this has more than doubled the overall area of the settlements.

Palestinians, despite privately owning half the land, now have no access to it.

(Source: BBC News, Sept 11, 2008)

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