Saturday, February 14, 2009

Muharram materials

Some materials here.

Amaal for night (eve) of 1st Muharram here
Printed amaal for Ashura here and some recorded amaals here.

Coloring book for kids here.
Projects/activities for kids here.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Secretly growing illegal occupation is terrorism

Israel 'hides settlements data'
Israeli Military Allows West Bank Settlements To Grow

Israeli Military Allows West Bank Settlements To Grow
...Israeli settlements are expanding at record speed, taking up more and more of the land that was supposed to become the Palestinian state one day.

An Israeli human rights group that monitors the construction on a daily basis says it grew by 60 percent last year.

"Eventually, even if there will be a peace treaty with the Palestinians, it will be almost impossible to implement it on the ground," says Yariv Oppenheimer, of the human rights group Peace Now.

(Source: CBS News, 01/29/09)

Israel 'hides settlements data'
The Israeli defence ministry has concealed information about the extent of illegal settlement-building in the West Bank, a leading newspaper reports.
An analysis of the data shows a big majority - about 75% - of construction in settlements was carried out without the right permit or in contravention of permits issued, Haaretz reported.

In more than 30 settlements, buildings including schools, synagogues and police stations, had been built on private Palestinian land.

The newspaper said Defence Minister Ehud Barak blocked publication of the data, arguing it could endanger state security or harm Israel's foreign relations.

(Source: BBC News, 01/30/09)

Noam Chomsky: The United States - Israel's Godfather

Starving an entire population - ethnic annhilation

Gaza desperately short of food after Israel destroys farmland
Officials warn of 'destruction of all means of life' after the three-week conflict leaves agriculture in the region in ruins

Gaza's 1.5 million people are facing a food crisis as a result of the destruction of great areas of farmland during the Israeli invasion.

According to the World Food Programme, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation and Palestinian officials, between 35% and 60% of the agriculture industry has been wrecked by the three-week Israeli attack, which followed two years of economic siege.

(Source: The Observer, 02/01/09)

Revolting, atrocious, vile, sadistic, EVIL

Israel defends use of phosphorus
'Phosphorus wounds' alarm Gazans

Israel defends use of phosphorus
...The weapon sticks to human skin and will burn through to the bone.

It can cause death or leave survivors with painful wounds which are slow to heal. Its ingestion or inhalation can also be fatal.
The UN said its headquarters were hit by three white phosphorus shells during the offensive, causing a fire destroying much of its aid supplies.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and foreign journalists who have gone into Gaza since the operation ended say they have found evidence of its use in crowded residential areas.

(Source: BBC News, 01/23/09)

'Phosphorus wounds' alarm Gazans
...Sabah herself has suffered terrible burns on her arms, legs and torso and is considerable pain.

"There was fire, and so much white smoke," she says. "The missile melted my children. My daughter-in-law melted in front of my eyes."
The cause of these types of injuries is believed, by visiting medical officials, to be Israel's use of shells containing white phosphorus.
"Manufactured in the US and sold to Israel, the shell here is unexploded, although it's cracked and you can see the phosphorus pouring out in kind of this yellow-orange colour."
United Nations officials say it was used in the shelling of a school in which hundreds of civilians were taking refuge from the fighting, and fired at the UN's main headquarters in Gaza.
After initially denying that white phosphorus shells were fired in Gaza, some Israeli military officials have now acknowledged its use.

(Source: BBC News, 01/24/09)

Perverse Spin, War Crimes, Ethnic Annihilation

War crimes and Ethnic Annihilation:

Ban 'appalled' by Gaza's damage
Gaza 'looks like earthquake zone'
New evidence of Gaza child deaths
UN 'shocked' by Gaza destruction
Map of Palestinian devastation

Ban 'appalled' by Gaza's damage
He was speaking in front of the smouldering remains of the UN food warehouse destroyed by Israeli shells.
Israeli shells hit the UN headquarters as well as two UN schools during the recent three-week offensive.
Palestinian medical sources say at least 1,300 Palestinians were killed, nearly a third of them children, and 5,500 injured during the conflict.

(Source: BBC News, 01/20/09)

Gaza 'looks like earthquake zone'
The worst-hit areas in the Gaza Strip after Israel's three-week offensive look as if they have been hit by a strong earthquake, aid agencies say.
Correspondents in Gaza City say entire neighbourhoods have been flattened and bodies are still being recovered.

The UN says it is still sheltering at least 35,000 Palestinians while 400,000 people are without running water.

(Source: BBC News, 01/20/09)

New evidence of Gaza child deaths
...Samar had been shot in the back at close range. The bullet damaged her spine, and she is unlikely to walk again.
A tank had parked in front of the house, where around 30 people were taking shelter.

The women and children - mother, grandmother and three little girls - came out waving a white flag and then, he said, an Israeli soldier came out of the tank and opened fire on the terrified procession.

Samar's two sisters, aged seven and two, were shot dead. The grandmother was hit in the arm and in the side, but has survived.
One of the most alarming features of the conflict in Gaza is the number of child casualties. More than 400 were killed. Many had shrapnel or blast injuries sustained as the Israeli army battled Hamas militants in Gaza's densely populated civilian areas.

But the head of neurosurgery at the El-Arish hospital, Dr Ahmed Yahia, told me that brain scans made it clear that a number of the child victims had been shot at close range.

Samar's uncle said the soldier who had shot his niece was just 15m (49ft) away. ''How could they not see they were shooting at children?'' he asked.

(Source: BBC News, 01/22/09)

UN 'shocked' by Gaza destruction
Sir John Holmes, who visited Gaza on Thursday, said he was shocked by "the systematic nature of the destruction".

He said that the territory's economic activity had been set back by years.
Mr Kellenberger told the BBC: "What I have seen in the hospital in Gaza was for me as far as a visit is concerned... it was my most shocking experience."

He added that the Israeli forces should not be using weapons such as phosphorus shells which made it difficult to avoid injuring or killing civilians.
He told of broken pipes pumping out raw sewage onto the streets.
Richard Falk - the UN special rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories - has said there was "a prima facie case" that Israel gravely breached the Geneva Conventions during its 22-day campaign.

The International Committee of the Red Cross's (ICRC) president Jakob Kellenberger said conditions in Gazan hospitals were the worst he had seen.

(Source: BBC News, 01/23/09)

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A