Sunday, February 01, 2009

Revolting, atrocious, vile, sadistic, EVIL

Israel defends use of phosphorus
'Phosphorus wounds' alarm Gazans

Israel defends use of phosphorus
...The weapon sticks to human skin and will burn through to the bone.

It can cause death or leave survivors with painful wounds which are slow to heal. Its ingestion or inhalation can also be fatal.
The UN said its headquarters were hit by three white phosphorus shells during the offensive, causing a fire destroying much of its aid supplies.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and foreign journalists who have gone into Gaza since the operation ended say they have found evidence of its use in crowded residential areas.

(Source: BBC News, 01/23/09)

'Phosphorus wounds' alarm Gazans
...Sabah herself has suffered terrible burns on her arms, legs and torso and is considerable pain.

"There was fire, and so much white smoke," she says. "The missile melted my children. My daughter-in-law melted in front of my eyes."
The cause of these types of injuries is believed, by visiting medical officials, to be Israel's use of shells containing white phosphorus.
"Manufactured in the US and sold to Israel, the shell here is unexploded, although it's cracked and you can see the phosphorus pouring out in kind of this yellow-orange colour."
United Nations officials say it was used in the shelling of a school in which hundreds of civilians were taking refuge from the fighting, and fired at the UN's main headquarters in Gaza.
After initially denying that white phosphorus shells were fired in Gaza, some Israeli military officials have now acknowledged its use.

(Source: BBC News, 01/24/09)

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