Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra

Arabic calligraphy reading Fatima az-Zahra ( ف...
Arabic calligraphy reading Fatima az-Zahra ( فاطمة الزهراء ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sermons by respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi  related to the Tasbih of Lady Fatima (A.S.) and its importance:


Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) - by Hayder Shirazi

The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra by Abbas Azizi and translated into English by Arifa Hudda and Saleem Bhimji is a nice, succinct discussion on merits of reciting the tasbih (rosary beads).

Some excerpts and details from this lovely book:
  • From pages 3-4 of The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra is:
  1. a gift from Allah to the Muslim Ummah
  2. a way to remember the heart-wrenching events of the very short life of the daughter of the Prophet
  3. an adornment for our Salat
  4. better than 1000 rakats of accepted Salat
  • In the book, Qurb al-Isnad, narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq that: "We command our children to recite the tasbihat of Fatima Zahra just as we command them to perform the Salat. You too should command your children to the same since any servant who recites this will be protected from all misfortunes." (pg 12)
  • "...if there was anything else better than this (the tasbih), then indeed the Prophet would have granted that to his daughter, Fatima Zahra." (pg 13)
  • "...especially if it is performed after Salatul Fajr and if a person completes the tasbih with saying La Ilaha Illallah and then asks forgiveness for his sins." (pg 16)
  • "...some of the conditions for the tasbih are that: one should face the Qiblah, and be in a state of Wudu..." (pg 20)
  • Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S. said: "As for the tasbih whose beads are made from the dirt of Imam Husayn's grave, before one does tasbih with it, the beads itself perform the tasbih!" (pg 37)
  • Holy Prophet S.A.W. used to recite this du'a after tasbih after Fajr salaat: "O Allah! Surely I have entered into the morning in a state of Glorifying You, Praising You, Singing Your Greatness, Extolling You, and Acclaiming You in the number of beads which I have in my tasbih." (pg 40)

Imagine (as Brother Ammar al-Badri does in this heart-rending latmiyyat what it might be like if) Lady Fatima (A.S.) had come to Karbala to search for her Hussayn A.S.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Late Ayatollah Mar'ashi Najafi

Some details about the life and will of the Late Ayatollah Mar'ashi Najafi over here.

From his Will:
Always recite the tasbih of our wronged grandmother Fatima Zahra. That is not only for recitation after prayers; rather, it should be recited all the time.


from:    End Israeli Apartheid
date:    Sat, May 22, 2010 at 9:00 AM
subject:    [endapartheid] PROTEST NETANYAHU'S VISIT TO TORONTO ON MAY 30

*Please Post Widely*


War Criminals Not Welcome Here!

Mark 62 Years of Nakba – Stand with Palestine!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is kicking off UJA’s annual Walk with Israel on Sunday, May 30th. He will be delivering a live address at the CNE Direct Energy Center. A coalition of community and human rights organizations is calling on all to protest the representative of Apartheid Israel coming to whitewash Israeli human rights violations against the Palestinian people.

Exact location for the protest will be announced shortly (we will be meeting at 9:00 am).

For now – please support us in spreading the word and posting this callout as far and wide as possible.

As we mark 62 years of Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 when more than 750,000 indigenous Palestinians were expelled and 500 villages destroyed, we will be protesting the ongoing Nakba that war criminal Netanyahu is overseeing. We will protest the ongoing colonization of Palestine, the
military occupation, the settlement expansion, the apartheid wall and the brutal siege of Gaza.

Unfortunately, representatives of a state that carries out blatant apartheid policies are being welcomed in Canada and supported by the Harper government.

We will be protesting to also send a clear message to Harper that his government's uncritical support for Israel must stop.

Spread the word – save the date – and come out to protest the Prime Minister of Apartheid Israel.

Organized by:

Palestine House Community Center
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)
Independent Jewish Voices
Not in our Name (Jews Opposing Zionism)
Women in Solidarity with Palestine
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Canadian Peace Alliance

  *  For organizational endorsements of this protest please send an email to:

   *  We are raising funds for placards, banners and buses for this protest.  Your donation will go a long way to get the largest number of people out.  Please mail cheques to: 3195 Erindale Station Road Mississauga, ON L5C 1Y5 (with Netanyahu protest in the memo line).

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 26/2010 - CAIA Province-wide Day of Action: Dalton McGuinty, Stop Doing Business with Israeli Apartheid!

from: End Israeli Apartheid
date: Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:07 AM
subject: [endapartheid] REMINDER: May 26th, 12pm at Queen's Park - CAIA Province-wide Day of

May 26th - CAIA Province-wide Day of Action: Dalton McGuinty, Stop Doing Business with Israeli Apartheid!

Spend your lunch break with us as we deliver letters in person!

Meet at 12pm, Queen's Park - South end, just North of College - look for the banners!

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) is calling on our allies to join us in telling Premier Dalton McGuinty that Ontario should not be doing business with Israeli Apartheid.

This month, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty will be traveling to Israel (May 23 – 27, 2010). McGuinty's trip is aimed at increasing Ontario's trade relations with Israel. Trade between Ontario and Israel totaled over 1.1 billion dollars in 2008. In February 2010, The Toronto Stock Exchange signed a trade agreement
with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

In 2008, Israel announced that it was launching a Rebranding Campaign aimed at promoting the 'positive side' of Israel in order to change its tarnished image. This campaign is intended to distract the world from its war crimes and violations of international law. McGuinty's announcement of his trip to Israel is a page out of the Rebranding Campaign handbook - praising Israel's technological and medical achievements, while ignoring its apartheid policies and crimes against the Palestinian people.

McGuinty is now selling his trip to Israel alongside his much criticized plan for recovery from the economic crisis. His "Open Ontario" plan threatens to make cuts to social assistance, public transit and the entire public sector. He wants Ontario to become more like Israel - a place where researchers and universities work hard to develop technology that is profitable for the military and big business. McGuinty is going to Israel to learn lessons from a country that has made billions from commercializing its research and technology. Israel is a world leader in profiting from selling the technologies of war and 'homeland security', and it is no secret that all major technology in Israel is made by or for the Israeli military.

CAIA is calling on our allies in Ontario to speak out against McGuinty's trip to Israel and Ontario's growing ties to Israeli Apartheid.

Participate in our May 26th Day of Action: Write, sign and deliver!

Step 1: Write a letter to Dalton McGuinty SAMPLE LETTER (, Tell McGuinty to "Stop Doing Business with Israeli Apartheid”.

Step 2: Gather more letters by May 26th - be creative!
  • Give/send copies to your friends, neighbours, co-workers to sign and send
  • Copies of the open letter and leaflet workplaces, community centres, a welfare office, public events, grocery stores
Step 3: Mail or Deliver your letter to your Member of Provincial Parliament on/by May 26
  1. JOIN CAIA FOR A MASS LETTER DELIVERY AT QUEEN'S PARK (Toronto) - Meet us in front of the legislature at Noon on May 26th!
  2. MAIL IT! Find your MPP’s Address
  3. DELIVER IT! Plan a delegation (small or large!) to hand deliver the letters to your Member of Provincial Parliament.
Step 4: Let us know about your action! E-mail us at

On Israel’s Rebranding campaign (video with Naomi Klein on rebranding and BDS):

On the dangers of the commercialization of research in Israel and Canada (University of Toronto President visits Israel in 2008):

"McGuinty Readies for his first trade mission to Israel" (Canadian Jewish News):

On budget cuts at universities: Why is Queen’s University Principal Daniel Woolf going to Israel with McGuinty?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

100 Incredible Virtues of Ali bin Abi Taleb and His Sons

Imam ali
Imam ali (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Magnificent book by Ibn Shazan Al-Qummi regarding the virtues of Ameerul Momineen, Imam Ali A.S.

From virtue #67:
"...If patience were a person, it would be Ali bin Abi Taleb; and if moral excellence was a person it would be Hasan; and if modesty was a person it would be Husain; and if everything that is good were to be a person it would be Fatema, and she is even better than that.

The origin of my daughter, Fatema, is greater than any other inhabitant on earth, as is her honour and generosity." (pg 46)
From virtue #68:
The Messenger of God said, "Mentioning Ali bin Abi Taleb is worshiping God" (pg 46)
From virtue #75:
...Last night God boasted about Ali worshiping Him to His angels and to those carrying His Throne. He told them "Look at My decisive argument (Ali bin Abi Taleb) in My land after My Prophet. Look at how he kneels with his forehead on the ground for Me out of humility. I take you (angels and the carriers of the throne) as witnesses that he is the Imam and master of my creation." (pg 50)

More details from this book here.

Other great books here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Salman El-Farsi by Sayed A. A. Razwy

Nice book on the life of Salman El-Farsi by A.A. Razwy.

Some interesting passages:
"...Badr is the most important battle in the history of Islam, and one the most important in world history. Victory in Badr guaranteed the existence of Islam." (pg 115)

"It appears that Ali was chosen expressly by Allah to be His 'instrument' of victory'. Ali was Allah's 'instrument of victory in the battle of Badr, and in every subsequent battle, and each time he brought glory, honour and victory to Islam." (pg 115-116)
There is a nice dua/prayer on pg 120 that the Holy Prophet recited at the wedding of his daughter, the Lady of Light to the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (A.S.):
"O Allah! O Sovereign of the Universe! All praise and thanks belongs to Thee. I commend Fatima and Ali, Thy loving slaves, to Thy protection. Be Thou their Protector. Be pleased with them. Show them Thy pleasure. Bestow upon them Thy boundless bounty, grace and mercy. Bestow upon them Thy best rewards. Make their marriage happy and fruitful, and make them steadfast in Thy love and in Thy service." (pg 120)"

World Women's Day 2010: On the Birth Occasion of The Lady of the Heaven Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra S.A - June 6/2010

World Women's Day 2010 - on the Birth Occasion of The Lady of the Heaven Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra S.A - to be held on June 6 / 2010
More details can be found here.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Fatimmiya Jamad-ul-Awwal 1431

Lectures by Sheikh Jaffer Ladak for Fatimmiya Jamad-ul-Awwal 14-17, 1431 / April 29-May 2, 2010 at the Jaffari Community Center. The theme for this series is on Hadith-e-Kisa.

April 29/10 - 1431

April 30/10 - 1431

May 1/10 - 1431

May 1/10 - 1431

May 2/10 - 1431

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Intolerable Settlers and Israeli Soldiers criminal behaviours

Israeli military dubs settler clash 'intolerable'
Israel's military has dubbed as "intolerable" what it described as a "riot" by settlers in the West Bank.

The military said about 100 settlers threw rocks and attacked soldiers as they tried to stop the settlers entering a Palestinian village... (Source: BBC News, Apr 21/2010)
If these radical settlers treat their own Israeli soldiers like this can you imagine what the Palestinians must be facing?

Rebuke given to Israeli soldiers in West Bank deaths
The Israeli military has disciplined four officers involved in two clashes with West Bank protesters in which four Palestinians civilians were killed.
The Qadus family told the BBC in the days after the deaths that both youths were on their way home from college, and were not taking part in the protests, when they were shot.

An x-ray of what was said to be 15-year-old Mohammed Qadus' skull, released by human rights group Btselem, showed what appeared to be a bullet lodged in his brain... (Source: BBC News, April 27, 2010)


Details for the event with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti in Toronto on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. over here.

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024

Characteristics and Signs of People of Heaven by Dr Shomali, 5 December 2024  and accompanying Q&A