Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra

Arabic calligraphy reading Fatima az-Zahra ( ف...
Arabic calligraphy reading Fatima az-Zahra ( فاطمة الزهراء ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sermons by respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi  related to the Tasbih of Lady Fatima (A.S.) and its importance:


Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) - by Hayder Shirazi

The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra by Abbas Azizi and translated into English by Arifa Hudda and Saleem Bhimji is a nice, succinct discussion on merits of reciting the tasbih (rosary beads).

Some excerpts and details from this lovely book:
  • From pages 3-4 of The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra is:
  1. a gift from Allah to the Muslim Ummah
  2. a way to remember the heart-wrenching events of the very short life of the daughter of the Prophet
  3. an adornment for our Salat
  4. better than 1000 rakats of accepted Salat
  • In the book, Qurb al-Isnad, narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq that: "We command our children to recite the tasbihat of Fatima Zahra just as we command them to perform the Salat. You too should command your children to the same since any servant who recites this will be protected from all misfortunes." (pg 12)
  • "...if there was anything else better than this (the tasbih), then indeed the Prophet would have granted that to his daughter, Fatima Zahra." (pg 13)
  • "...especially if it is performed after Salatul Fajr and if a person completes the tasbih with saying La Ilaha Illallah and then asks forgiveness for his sins." (pg 16)
  • "...some of the conditions for the tasbih are that: one should face the Qiblah, and be in a state of Wudu..." (pg 20)
  • Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S. said: "As for the tasbih whose beads are made from the dirt of Imam Husayn's grave, before one does tasbih with it, the beads itself perform the tasbih!" (pg 37)
  • Holy Prophet S.A.W. used to recite this du'a after tasbih after Fajr salaat: "O Allah! Surely I have entered into the morning in a state of Glorifying You, Praising You, Singing Your Greatness, Extolling You, and Acclaiming You in the number of beads which I have in my tasbih." (pg 40)

Imagine (as Brother Ammar al-Badri does in this heart-rending latmiyyat what it might be like if) Lady Fatima (A.S.) had come to Karbala to search for her Hussayn A.S.

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