Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mahe Ramadhan dates of significance

A crecent moon can be seen over palm trees at ...
A crecent moon can be seen over palm trees at sunset in Manama, Bahrain, marking the beginning of the Muslim month of Ramadan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some important events of this month are:

7th   - Death of Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.)  (possible date)
10th - Death of Hazrat Khadija(a.s.) 
11th - Moakhat - Brotherhood between Muhajireen and Ansaar 
13th, 14th and 15th - Ayyam-e-Bayz - the bright days 
15th - Birth of Imam Hassan (a.s.) - the 2nd Holy Imam - (3 A.H.) 
17th - Victory at Battle of Badr - (2 A.H.) 
19th evening - First probable night of Qadr - Shab-e-Qadr 
19th - Youm-e-Zarbat - Imam Ali(a.s.) got injured from attack during prayers (40 A.H.) 
20th – Conquest of Makkah (8 A.H.) 
21st evening - Second probable night of Qadr - Shab-e-Qadr 
21st - Shahadat of Imam Ali (A.S.) - (40 A.H.) 
23rd evening - Third probable night of Qadr - Shab-e-Qadr 
27th Evening - Another probable night of Qadr - Shab-e-Qadr 

Jumatul Wida - Last Friday of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak - International day of Quds 
Last day of Mahe Ramadhan - Fitra rules, etc.

Source from

Please note that some of the dates mentioned above are not definite dates but some traditions suggest these dates for those events. 

Detailed Aamals, daily duas, duas for each night of Ramzan and aamal of Jumatul Wida  (the entire Ramzan package) is available at 

Here is the direct link : 

  1. Duas on the advent of Ramazan to be recited upon sighting the moon.  
  2. Common duas to be recited in each night of Ramazan.  
  3. Dua-e-Sahar  
  4. Duas after every Wajib prayer during Ramazan. 

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