Monday, October 11, 2010

Salutations on the birth anniversary of Lady Masuma (A.S) - 1st of Zilqad

  1. Nice article on Islamic Insights by Syed Baqir Imrani
  2. Lovely discussion by Zainab Ali & Razia Batool Najafi on Hadi TV
  3. Wonderful biography by Rida Vatandoust

And more from

1st Zilqad. - birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Masuma-e-Qom (A.S.) – daughter of Imam Moosa-e-Kazim (A.S.) and sister of Imam Ali Riza (A.S.). Lady Masuma (A.S.) was born in the 148th Hijra in Madina.

Her position among Ahl-e-Bait (A.S.)

Among the children of the seventh Imam(a.s.), Hazrat Fatimah Masooma bint Musa ibn Jafar(a.s.) has a special position after Imam Ali Riza(a.s). Due to her faith, virtuousness and training under the guardianship of Imamate she reached such a position that the Masoom (Imam) gave her the title of Masoomah (infallible), and because of her worship and abstemiousness she acquired the status of intercession.

This is why the most learned scholars, the greatest Maraje', and the real Gnostics are humbly standing at her holy shrine saying:
O Fatimah(a.s.) intercede for us in heaven since you have reached a dignified status from a high rank with Allah(swt)
There is a tradition that states that out of the eight gates of heaven, one will open towards Qom and due to her intercession all Shias will go to heaven.

Visitors entitled to Heaven

In tradition it is excessively mentioned that whoever visits (does ziyarat of) Hazrat Masoomah(a.s.), heaven is incumbent upon that person and this position is obtained by her after the fourteen Masoomeen(a.s.).

Imam Riza(a.s.) has said:
Whoever visits her (performs her ziyarat) acknowledging her right, is entitled to heaven.
In Kamil-az-ziyarah it is quoted from Imam Riza(a.s):
Whoever does the ziyarat of Masooma in Qom it is as though he/she has done my ziyarat
Haram of Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.)

Imam Jafer Sadiq (a.s) says:
Haram of Allah(swt) – Mecca, Haram of Rasool(pbuh&hf) – Madina, Haram of Imam Ali(a.s.) – Kufa, and the Haram of Ahlul bait(a.s.) is Qom.
Please also recite the Ziarat of Bibi Masooma-e-Qom (A.S.)

Picture of Shrine of Lady Masuma (A.S.) in Qum, Iran
The Pearl of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) - Lady Fatima Masuma (S.A.)

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