Saturday, March 19, 2011

Free Bahrain from oppression and bloodshed

See request below from Maulana Rizvi.  Please take a few minutes to support the people of Bahrain.


----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 12:58:56 PM
Subject: Fw: 5 Ways to Help the People of Bahrain [please read, act upon & distribute widely]

Salaamun 'alaykum,

The following are good suggestions put together by two of our students at York Uni. Please forward it to those who are in your email list.


Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shahbaz Mir 
Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 10:25:26 PM
Subject: 5 Ways to Help the People of Bahrain [please read, act upon & distribute widely]

Salamun Alaykum (Peace Be Upon You),

As the people's revolution unfolds in Bahrain, the Bahraini government has called on its despotic partners in the Middle East to crush the uprising. Over 1000 Saudi and 500 Emirati (UAE) troops crossed into Bahrain to join Bahraini government forces in attacking the unarmed, peaceful protesters. Hundreds of innocent men, women, and children have been wounded or killed by government forces, and the massacre does not seem likely to subsist.

As people of conscience (irrespective of our faiths), it is incumbent upon us to do whatever is in our ability to raise awareness of this tragedy and help the oppressed. Below are a few suggestions on how we can help the people in Bahrain:

1. Keep Appraised of What Is Happening and Inform Others
2. Call the Bahraini, Saudi, and Emirati Embassies and voice your condemnation of their violent repression of peaceful protesters
3. Contact Your Elected Representatives and ask for the House of Commons in Ottawa to condemn the massacre.
4. Organize and/or Participate Public Demonstration to inform others about the tragedy
5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper, and express your condemnation of the brutality.

Below are details on these can be achieved:

1. Keep Appraised of What Is Happening and Inform Others:

Most Western and even Middle Eastern news sources have unfortunately proven themselves to be disappointingly biased and/or lacking in coverage of the situation. PressTV ( ) and ABNA ( ) are routinely being updated with the reality on the ground. You can follow these sources closely while tracking news being covered by other mainstream media sources that have increasingly started paying attention. As new events unfold, post them on your Facebook wall, Tweet about them, and share them with acquaintances, your community, and other relevant email lists to raise awareness.

2. Call the Bahraini, Saudi, and Emirati Embassies and voice your condemnation of this brutal behavior. The Bahraini Embassy can be reached at 1-202-342-1111, the Saudi Embassy at 613-237-4100/ 01 / 02, and the Emirati Embassy at +1-613-565-7272. (Make sure to call during working hours.) Speak to the operator and ask for the Ambassador's office. Be polite but firm, and speak your mind about the injustices happening in Bahrain. If necessary, leave a voicemail.

3. Contact Your Elected Representatives and ask for the House of Commons in Ottawa to condemn the massacre. You can find the contact information for Members of Parliament at . Call and ask to speak to the Member of Parliament’s (MP’s) office, and let them know that as their constituent, you expect them to condemn this behavior. Tell them that this issue is very close to your heart, and if they fail to speak up, they should not count on your vote during the forthcoming elections.

Email the MP's office as well. A sample email message is as follows:

Dear Hon. [ Name of MP],

I am writing to express my strong condemnation of the current massacre being perpetrated against the Bahraini people by Bahraini and Saudi armed forces. As your constituent, I urge you to introduce and/or support a legislation in the House of Commons which condemns this barbaric behavior by immediately suspending the supply of weapons, munitions and related equipment as well as technologies made in Canada and/or by Canadian companies that could be used to commit further human rights violations by the UAE, Saudi Arabia & Bahrain.

On Wednesday 16th March 2011, the Salmaniyah Hospital was seized by Bahraini security forces who raided the complex in search of wounded protesters, beating and threatening doctors and hospital staff, and finally encircled the hospital with tanks and military personnel and have denied access to and exit from the hospital.

The recent military seizure of the Salmaniyah Hospital in Manama is in clear violation of Protocol II, Articles 9, 10, 11, and 13 of the Geneva Convention. The Canadian government should highlight this breach of international law, and be prepared to apply political, diplomatic and legal sanctions against the Bahraini regime if necessary.

Furthermore, I am confident that you will make it clear that repression and state-sanctioned murder in Bahrain will not go unnoticed and urge you to call for an urgent withdrawal of Saudi Arabia and UAE troops from Bahrain, and that the Bahraini government withdraws all local and foreign troops respects its people's rights to peacefully assemble and protest, and allows for free and fair elections in the country.

Your prompt action and response with regards to this urgent issue will be highly appreciated.


[Name & Postal Code]

Ps. I have included a link to recently released report by Amnesty International that details the gross violations of Human Rights by the security forces in Bahrain:

Send a separate but similar-spirited message (over the phone and via email) to the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs & the leaders of the main political parties. Below are the links to their contacts:

Stephen Harper (PM / Conservative):

Lawrence Cannon (Foreign Affairs/Conservative):

Jack Layton (NDP):

Michael Ignatieff (Liberal):

Gilles Ducepp (Bloc):

4. Organize and Participate Public Demonstration to inform others about the tragedy: Most Western news sources have completely ignored or underplayed the severity of the situation, and it is our obligation to inform the masses about the Bahraini people's plight. You don't need more than a few hours to plan a demonstration. Even a small group of five people holding signs at a busy intersection for an hour can potentially inform thousands of people about the massacre. Urge onlookers to contact their elected representatives asking them to condemn this aggression.
A protest is planned for this Saturday in Toronto at the Yonge-Dundas square. More details available at:
(Come with Placards & Signs or Support)

5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper, and express your condemnation of the brutality. Mention exact numbers and figures. If your newspaper has not given adequate coverage to the situation in Bahrain, state your disappointment and disapproval. Also, call the news bureau and urge them to include coverage of the tragedy on the front page. The following are the links with info on how you can get in touch with a few of the major Canadian news reporting institutions:

Canadian Press:
Toronto Star:
CBC News:
Globe & Mail:
Global News:

An Injustice to one is an injustice to all! By speaking out for those who are oppressed in Bahrain, you will be not only be preventing the massacre from from unfolding into genocidal proportions, but also you will be providing much needed support for those oppressed and hopefully propel the people's revolution in the Middle East to victory!

Last but not least, please pray for the safety and success of the revolutionaries, and for an end to the oppressors' folly!

With Salams & Duas (Peace & Prayers),

Seekers for Peace & Justice 

The knowledge of anything, since all things have causes, is not acquired or complete unless it is known by its causes. - Ibn Seena

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