Saturday, October 06, 2012

DON'T ATTACK IRAN! Rally & March on October 6/12

Abianeh-Esfahan-Iran (Photo credit: Amir mohammad)


Rally & March on October 6

Join the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War for a city-wide rally and march on Saturday, October 6, part of a pan-Canadian day of action to oppose a war against Iran.

Saturday, October 6, 2012
2:00 pm Rally at Queen's Park
3:00 pm March
3:30 pm Public meeting at Trinity St. Paul's (427 Bloor St. W., Toronto): 'Why Harper cut ties with Iran' - featuring special guest speakers (TBA)

The recent decision by the Harper government to sever all diplomatic relations with Iran represents a dangerous escalation of an already tense situation. Instead of pursuing dialogue and a peaceful resolution, Harper has chosen a path that could quickly lead to war.

In the short term, Harper's decision severely restricts the mobility of Iranian-Canadians, denying them access to necessary consular services. Even worse, it creates a climate of suspicion and fear that puts Iranian-Canadians under undue scrutiny.

In the long term, cutting ties with Iran forecloses the possibility of a diplomatic solution, leaving only military options on the table. A war with Iran would be catastrophic, causing untold civilian deaths, and likely sparking a larger regional conflict.

There is no credible evidence that Iran is using nuclear technology to build a weapon, yet Harper is asking the Canadian public, once again, to believe unfounded claims about Weapons of Mass Destruction. The fact that no weapons were ever found in Iraq – and that the proof of their existence turned out to be false – renders the same accusation against Iran extremely questionable.

Almost ten years after the start of the Iraq War, we face the threat of another war – which is why we need to take a stand against it. We invite you to join us as we call on Harper to pursue the path to peace, not war. Chretien and Harper wanted Canada to join the war in 2003, but public opinion stopped them. In 2012, we can do it again.

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