Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hajj / Umrah resources & tips

English: A picture of people performing (circu...
English: A picture of people performing (circumambulating) the . This picture taken from the gate of Abdul Aziz seems to divide the Kaaba and the minarets into mirror images of one another. Français : Pélerins en train de réaliser la Circumambulation (ou Tawaf) autour de la Ka'ba. Photo prise depuis la porte Ibn Saud, d'où la vue présente une symétrie en miroir presque parfaite. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Administrative preparation:
  1. Ladies might want to get ehram stitched before leaving.  Get it done with pockets.
  2. Meningitis vaccination required (at least once every 3 years)
  3. Visa for Saudi
  4. Long form birth certificates for your children
  5. Marriage certificate
  1. Hajj: The Pilgrimage: Dr. Ali Shariati
  2. Hajj Masail presentation by Sheikh Akil Karim
  3. Hajj lectures by Sheikh Usama Al-Atar
  4. Lectures by Dr. Mohamed Datoo 
  5. Lectures by Sheikh Shomali, Sheikh Khalil Jaffer and others
  6. Merits of Hajj  - Dr Usama Attar
  7. Hajj: A divine invitation - Dr. Ammar Nakshwani
  8. Quranic Reflections on Hajj - Shaykh Bhamanpour
  9. Animated guide to Hajj
  10. Short series on rules of Hajj: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  11. Niyyah card
  12. Idhne Dhukul for Masjid-e-Nabi
  13. Salaat Mayyit happens after EVERY congregational prayer in Mecca & Madinah
  14. Critically valuable site - has everything
  15. Hajj duas
  16. Spiritual gems of Hajj from World Federation
  17. Tips from duas.org
  18. Mecca/Madinah live
  19. Hajj Seminars - Canada
  20. Hajj Seminar UK - Shaykh Abbas Jaffer and Mualima Masuma Jaffer
  21. Hajj Seminar - Shaykh Mustafa Jaffer
  22. Hajj Manual 
  23. Madinah / Mecca Ziyarats
  24. MP3s from World Federation
  25. Amaal for the Day of Arafah
  26. Layout of Janaat-ul-Baqee cemetery
  27. Another layout of Janaat-ul Baqee cemetery on page 24 of this guide
  28. Layout of Masjid un-Nabi on page 16 of this guide
  29. Audio files for Hajj
  30. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jannatul_Mualla
  31. http://www.al-islam.org/shrines
  32. http://www.al-islam.org/ziyarat/maps/maps.html
  33. http://www.al-islam.org/ziyarat/maps/kaaba.htm
  34. http://www.al-islam.org/ziyarat/maps/baqi.gif
  35. http://www.al-islam.org/ziyarat/maps/nabawi.gif
  36. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kaaba.png
  37. http://manaasik.org/
  38. More Hajj / Umrah links

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