Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Al-'Askari Shrine Bombing


Ayatullah Al Uzama Syed Ali Al-Husaini Seestani,
(May He protect him & we pray for his long and healthy life - Ameen!)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The criminal hands have returned to once again desecrate the sanctuary of the Al-‘Askari Shrine in Samarra and have targeted what was left of its holy symbols in form of the two minarets. This repugnant crime displays the level of malice and hatred of the perpetrators towards the Blessed Prophet’s family, and their attempt to inflame the sectarian strife between the citizens of Iraq.

While the religious leadership (marja‘iyya) expresses its anger and strong condemnation on this horrendous act, and declares its great disappointment at the ineptitude of security organs in fulfilling their duty of protecting the holy shrine – implores the dear believers at this critical times to imbibe more patience and control of emotions, and to refrain from any reprisal act against the innocent people and the holy sites of others.

We hope that the government embarks on implementing its promise of adopting immediate steps to increase the required security for the holy shrine. And there is no strength and power except with the High and Great Allah.

Office of as-Sayyid as-Sistani
27 Jamadi ath-Thani 1428 (13 June 2007)

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