Saturday, June 16, 2007

Business Ethics in Islam

Some quotes/passages/notes from Business Ethics in Islam by Respected Alim, Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi·
  • As a creation of God, a human being is expected to:
    1. obey the Divine commandments in relations to the self (be good to ourselves)
    2. deal with others on the basis of justice and fairness (be good to others)
    3. be moderate in one’s personal life and in the use of natural resources. (be good to the earth). (pg 8)
  • The world has been created for humans; it is only here that persons can attain the levels of perfection.
  • Humans have been created for God; it is here that they have to submit by their choice to the commandments of God.
  • In a Hadith Qudsi, God says: “I have created all things for you, but you I have created for Myself." (pg 9)
“Work for your world as if you to live forever and work for your hereafter as if you are to die tomorrow.” – Imam Ja-far as-Sadiq (A.S.) (pg 13)
Learn three characteristics from the crow:
1. it conceals its act of cohabitation
2. it rises early for seeking sustenance
3. it is always alert
-Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) – pg 20

“Try that your (daily) time is divided into four segments:
  1. A time for meditations to God
  2. A time for earning livelihood
  3. A time for socializing with brethren and trustworthy (friends) who would point out your (moral) weaknesses and be sincere (in their friendship for you)
  4. A time exclusively devoted for non-haraam pleasure (with the family). It is with this (fourth) time segment that you will be able to maintain (or master) the other three times…” - Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) (pg 33)
“From the signs of the believer are three things:
1. good management of livelihood
2. patience in face of calamity
3. study of religion”
- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (pg 33-34)

A ‘Muslim’ in the ethical sense is “one from whose hands and tongues other Muslims are protected.” (pg 37)

A mu’min, in the ethical sense, is defined as “one whom the believers can entrust with their lives and property.” (pg 40)

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